
Evaluation and Improvement of a Transition Business Process: A Case Study guided by a Semantic Quality

Querying Inconsistent Description Logic Knowledge Bases under Preferred Repair Semantics
Plethoric answers to fuzzy queries: A reduction method on query mining
Data-Quality-Aware Skyline Queries
AGGREGO SEARCH: Interactive Keyword Query Construction
Ajustement automatique de vocabulaire expert par scission de modalité
Querying Inconsistent Description Logic Knowledge Bases under Preferred Repair Semantics Dealing with aggregate queries in an uncertain database model on possibilistic certainty
Lazy analogical classification: Optimization and precision issues
Exception-tolerant skyline queries
Estimating null values in relation databases using analogical proportions
A vocabulary revision method on modality splitting
Querying uncertain multiple sources
Skyline queries in an uncertain database model on possibilistic certainty
How to Deal with Cliques at Work
On a Fuzzy Algebra for Querying Graph Databases
Analogical prediction of null values: The numerical attribute case
RDF Analytics: Lenses over Semantic Graphs
Flexible es in Data, Information and Knowledge Management
CliqueSquare: Flat Plans for Massively Parallel RDF Queries

On a Fuzzy Bipolar Relational Algebra
ReqFlex: Fuzzy Queries for Everyone
Finding Similar Objects in Relational Databases – An Association- Fuzzy
An Autocompletion Mechanism for Enriched Keyword Queries to RDF Data Sources
On a Gradual Inclusion of Bipolar Fuzzy Relations
Towards Reconciling Expressivity, Efficiency and User-Friendliness in Database Flexible Querying
Adequacy of a User-Defined Vocabulary to the Data Structure
Querying Possibilistic Databases: Three Interpretations
Fuzzy Cardinalities as a Basis to Cooperative Answering
Extended query language and composition for the XR data model

On Four Noncommutative Fuzzy Connectives and their Axiomatization
Expressing and Processing Complex Preferences
On a Fuzzy-Rule- Model for Handling Contextual Preference Queries
An to Database Preference Queries on an Outranking Relation
Database Preference Queries–A Possibilistic Logic with Symbolic Priorities
LUCIFER : Un système de détection de conflits dans les requêtes flexibles
Flexible access to fuzzy data for biodiversity monitoring
On a Preference Query Language that Handles Symbolic Scores
A Fuzzy-Summary- to Faceted Search in Relational Databases
On a Reinforced Fuzzy Inclusion and its Application to Database Querying
Towards an Efficient Processing of Outranking- Preference Queries
On Fuzzy Preference Queries Explicitly Handling Satisfaction Levels
Detecting Suspect Answers in the Presence of Inconsistent Information
An on Predicate Correlation to the Reduction of Plethoric Answer Sets
Fuzzy Sets and Systems – Special Issue on Advances in Soft Computing Applied to Databases and Information Systems
Fuzzy Preference Queries to Relational Databases

A Framework Recommending Top-k Web Service Compositions: A Fuzzy Set-
On three classes of division queries involving ordinal preferences
On database queries involving competitive conditional preferences
Strict and tolerant antidivision queries with ordinal layered preferences
On diverse es to bipolar division operators
A preference query model on a fusion of local orders
Fuzzy Bipolar Conditions of Type “or else
An Extension of a Fuzzy Ontology for Flexible Querying
On different types of fuzzy skylines
On database queries involving inferred fuzzy predicates
On a strengthening connective for flexible database querying
Bipolar SQLf: a Flexible Querying Language for Relational Databases
On possibilistic skyline queries
A fuzzy-rule- to the handling of inferred fuzzy predicates in database queries
Bipolarity in Flexible Querying of Information Systems Dedicated to Multimodal Transport Networks
A Fuzzy Set to Handle Preferences in Service Retrieval
On three semantics of queries in a possibilistic database framework
Top-k web services compositions: A fuzzy-set-
On three fuzzy connectives for flexible data retrieval and their axiomatization
Selecting and Ranking Business Process with Preferences: An on Fuzzy Set
Answering fuzzy queries using imprecise views
Efficient detection of minimal failing subqueries in a fuzzy querying context
Bipolarity and the relational division
On the negation of bipolar fuzzy conditions
Searching for a compromise between satisfaction and diversity in database fuzzy querying
A Similarity Skyline for Handling Graph Queries – A Preliminary Report
Processing fuzzy queries in a peer data management system using distributed fuzzy summaries
An on Fuzzy Sets to Handle Preferences in Service Retrieval
An on Fuzzy Sets to Selecting and Ranking Business Processes
Top-k Web Service Compositions using Fuzzy Dominance Relationship
A Cooperative Answering to Fuzzy Preferences Queries in Service Discovery
Selecting and Ranking Business Processes with Preferences: An on Fuzzy Sets

Growing Triples on Trees: an XML-RDF Hybrid Model for Annotated Documents
Robust Module- Data Management
Efficient Query Answering against Dynamic RDF Databases
Fact checking and analyzing the Web
Getting more RDF support from relational databases
RDF Data Management in the Amazon Cloud
AMADA: Web Data Repositories in the Amazon Cloud b
Des triplets sur des arbres. Un modèle hybride XML-RDF pour documents annotés
Knowledge Representation meets DataBases for the sake of ontology- data management
View Selection in Semantic Web Databases
Growing Triples on Trees: an XML-RDF Hybrid Model for Annotated Documents
RDFViewS: A Storage Tuning Wizard for RDF Applications

Browse Your Content- Distributed Repository!,
A Desktop Interface over Distributed Document Repositories
The Design and Implementation of NEUMA, a Collaborative Digital Score Library Requirements
Using information of an Informal Network to Evaluate Business Process Robustness (Quality),
Changing Provider in an Outsourced Information System Project: Good Practices for Quality Knowledge Transfer
Measurement and Analysis of Information Quality: A Multidimensional Model and Case Studies.
Modeling Synchronized Time Series
Tagging resources, tagging communities

On some uses of a stratified divisor in an ordinal framework.
Extending relational algebra to handle bipolarity
A model on outranking for database preference queries
Trimming plethoric answers to fuzzy queries: An on predicate correlation
A possibilistic logic view of preference queries to an uncertain database
A database preference query model on a fuzzy outranking relation
On a fuzzy group-by clause in SQLf
A fuzzy-rule- to contextual preference queries
A Method on Query Caching and Predicate Substitution for the Treatment of Failing Database Queries
Implication in information retrieval systems